A3. Research Approach

How will you conduct your research? Explain the current and proposed projects and activities you have planned during your research investigation. Provide evidence as to how this constitutes an appropriate and strategic approach. Explain how you are organising your resources appropriately and realistically. Provide a summary of what the culmination or final outcome will be.

PRS 2020 2

The research seeks to uncover the value of working and thinking through annotation, with a threefold approach:

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The first mines my practice and

pedagogical history

identifying and explicating key projects and moments (related to annotation) in the form of a systematic commentary on the existing body of work.

The first mines my practice and

pedagogical history

identifying and explicating key projects and moments (related to annotation) in the form of a systematic commentary on the existing body of work.

PRS 2019 1 Anno 02 Second 3.JPG

The second seeks to identify core ideas surrounding annotation,

reflecting on emergent inclinations and methods to critique the use of annotation in developing rigour and revealing criticality in the design process.

The second seeks to identify core ideas surrounding annotation,

reflecting on emergent inclinations and methods to critique the use of annotation in developing rigour and revealing criticality in the design process.

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The third seeks to articulate the tenets

of a critically annotated design process

as a methodology for meaningful design outcomes that emerge between the space of practice and pedagogy; decision and iteration; actualisation and representation; pragmatism and poetics.

The third seeks to articulate the tenets

of a critically annotated design process

as a methodology for meaningful design outcomes that emerge between the space of practice and pedagogy; decision and iteration; actualisation and representation; pragmatism and poetics.


In both pedagogy and practice, it involves the teaching practice, the learning practice and the embodied practice. Annotation facilitates the internalisation of information, externalisation of interpretation and on revisiting this information, it not only serves as a record of that commentary but also a pathway for revisiting the information in a critical way. As a background process, it is one that if repeated, destroys or defaces the original work but in turn presents the opportunity to gain insight or illuminate a different trajectory or viewpoint.

I am particularly interested in the difference when used on text comprehension and when used in the context of design work and how these adjacent practices may inform each other. In my area of deployment, design work is often a translation of tensions between pragmatic consideration and poetic aspiration into material object, space and place. I would argue that a thoughtfully annotated design process would produce criticality through the inhabiting of a problem as opposed to the analysis of it. (Rogoff, 2006)


PRS 2019 2

The approach is threefold:

A01 Houses 2019.jpeg

The first maps the practice,

identifying and explicating key projects, moments and methods in the form of a systematic commentary on the existing body of work.


The second seeks to identify and critically reflect on core ideas,

emerging inclinations and methods to articulate the design methodology and investigate what criticality means in the realisation of design work.


The third seeks to articulate

the tenets of a critically iterative design process as the main driver for meaningful design outcomes that emerge between the space of pragmatism and poetics; iteration and decision; representation and actualisation.

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The practice-based PhD would enable the inquiry into the inextricable links between research (historicising, theorising, criticising) and creative practice (ideating, iterating, making) in the framework of creative practice research. The new knowledge that emerges directly contributes to building research capacity within academia at LASALLE and seeks to establish a framework of criticality for design within the practice of A01.

Milestone 1.0 - Milestone Review of Candidature Document

Ang Xinwei - S3760453