Milestone 1.0 - Milestone Review of Candidature Document

Ang Xinwei - S3760453

A5. Outline of Progress

Summarise the research progress made so far in the context of a detailed program of planned research activities.

I am currently working on the first and second stages outlined in the research approach. The skeletal structure of this has been transcribed onto the website. 

The first maps/mines my practice and pedagogical history, identifying and explicating key projects and moments (related to annotation) in the form of a systematic commentary on the existing body of work.

Here I have identified key projects and am in the process of developing the commentary on the existing practice and yet to delve into the commentary on the pedagogical aspects.

The second seeks to identify core ideas, reflecting on emergent inclinations and methods to critique the use of annotation in developing rigour and revealing criticality in the design process. 

For this section, a repository of images, screenshots of annotated texts, annotated discussions, annotated images and diagrams derived from coursework, design practice work and teaching work is being reflected on and transposed onto the website. 

The review of relevant literature in the areas of design practice, pedagogy, annotation and criticality would bridge my research from critique to a critically annotated design process in the pursuit of meaningful design outcomes that occur between the margins.