Milestone 1.0 - Milestone Review of Candidature Document
Ang Xinwei - S3760453
Panels are looking for:
a) A clear summary explication of the candidate’s professional practice history/background and its relationship to the current research.
b) Evidence that the candidate has begun to adequately reflect on project work produced prior to the degree commencing and/or since enrolment.
c) Evidence that the candidate understands their practice to be situated within a broader framework/ community of practice.
d) An indication that the research is original and will produce new knowledge (PhD candidates) or appropriate to the level of a Masters by research degree.
e) A clear and viable schema for completing the degree, including a specific timeline of the research program from confirmation to completion.
f) Evidence that any considerations relating to research integrity, such as a need for ethics approval, Intellectual Property agreements, or copyright clearances, are being addressed.
Candidates must submit written work to the Review Panel which satisfies the following requirements: The portfolio of work must include a research proposal comprising -
3,000 - 6,000 words for PhD / 1,500 - 3,000 words for Masters or equivalent in images, designs, models, plans, performance video or sound recording.